Colon, Tissue, Bowel Cleanse
We offer a 6 and a half day detox program in our Day Clinic which consists of 7 treatments, including a liver, gallbladder, and kidney cleanse on the last day. Cleansing the body is like giving your body a service.
Cleaning out hardened Mucous caused by cooked and processed foods such as wheat, bread, sugar, etc makes the transit time slower causing autointoxication (poisoning of the body) causing all diseases.
Your blood is as healthy as your colon, every part of the colon which is blocked represents an organ, cleansing the colon the entire body benefits.
Colon cleansing removes:
- Depression
- Infertility
- Arthritis
- Diverticulitis
- Stomach complaints,
- Diabetes
- Body odour
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Lack of energy
And many other diseases.
Disclaimer: Tissue, Bowel and Liver Detox Programme – It is an intense detox programme which is 100% safe and water-based, supervised with no side effects (Pre-Qualification is a MUST for contraindications)
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