R 75.00 ZAR

Tissue salts for better pH balance; Nat Phos is an acid neutraliser and oily skin remedy. Nat Phos helps maintain the alkalinity of the blood, emulsifies fatty acids and keeps uric acid soluble. It supports the function of the kidneys and digestive system. Maintaining the alkalinity of our bodies is vitally important and the value of this salt is often underestimated. It is the principle biochemic remedy for ailments associated with an accumulation of acid in the body. Nat Phos assists in reducing chocolate cravings, and in the treatment of obesity (slimming aid with a balanced diet).


Nat Sulph (Tissue Salt No. 10) is indicated to assist:

  • Oily skin or hair
  • Combination skin with greasy T-zone
  • Blackheads
  • Pimples
  • Acne
  • Arthritic conditions
  • Painful joints
  • Gout
  • Acid indigestion and heartburn
  • Cravings for sweet, sugary foods
  • Sour regurgitations (for babies too)
  • Nappy rash
  • Constipation
  • Worms

Facial Analysis Signs

  • Oily skin particularly forehead, nose and chin
  • Blackheads and pimples
  • Drooping jowls


  • Adults and Children: Chew or dissolve one tablet in the mouth twice daily or as recommended.
  • Infants: One tablet (crushed) daily.
  • Acute conditions: Every half hour until symptoms subside.