R 75.00 ZAR

R 75.00 ZAR.

This combination of magnesium and phosphorus acts as a potent anti-spasmodic remedy and pain reliever. Magnesium relaxes the nervous system, eases headaches and cramps, promotes healthy muscle growth and promotes strong bones and teeth. Phosphorus supports the production of protein in your body, helping to repair the muscles. It also boosts energy levels, improves digestion and regulates the production of hormones. These Mag Phos tissue salts support the function of the musculo-skeletal system, the nervous system and the heart. 


Mag Phos (Tissue Salt No. 8) helps to ease the following conditions:

  • Tension and stress
  • Anxiety
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Colic and digestive cramping
  • Athletic cramping/ "stitches", calf and hamstring cramps
  • Muscular pain
  • Neuralgic pain (sharp and shooting pains)
  • Tension headaches and migraines
  • High cholesterol
  • Hiccups 
  • Hunger cravings

Facial Analysis Signs: Signs you need a Magnesium and Phosphorus supplement

  • Bright redness (usually look like circular hot-spots) on the cheek. The entire face may take on a red tone.
  • Some people blush bright Magnesium Red when attention is placed on them - also an indicator.

Mag Phos is a de-stressing tissue salt formula, acting primarily on releasing tension in muscles and nerves. It plays an important role in the bone metabolism, together with Calc Fluor and Calc Phos, and partners Kali Phos to care for the heart and nervous system. 


  • Adults and Children: Chew or dissolve one tablet in the mouth twice daily or as recommended.
  • Infants: Once tablet (crushed) daily.
  • Acute conditions: Every half hour until symptoms subside.
  • Dissolve 7 AllisOne Mag Phos tablets in hot water and sip slowly to relieve abdominal cramps or colic.