Tissue Salts 11 Nat Sulph (Detoxify)125Tabs
Detoxifying tissue salts: a liver tonic and water eliminator. This tissue salt should be kept on hand during celebratory times for its efficient ability to counteract the effects of overindulgence. It assists in promoting the excretion of excess fluid, in the treatment of alcohol abuse and adiposity (slimming aid with a balanced diet). The biochemic liver conditioner, Nat Sulph is a fluid and toxin eliminator. It supports the function of the colon, hepato-biliary and lymphatic systems and is indicated for hangovers, morning sickness and cellulite.
Nat Sulph (Tissue Salt No. 11) is shown to help with:
- Biliousness
- Nausea
- Metabolic syndrome - sugar metabolic stress
- Hot sweats
- Water retention
- Jaundice
- Sensitivity to humidity
Facial Analysis Signs
- Red outermost edge of the ear - becomes more red as the liver stress increases
- Bluish red nose, becomes purple-red as deficiency increases over time
- Entire face can take on a greenish-yellow “jaundiced” undertone
- Adults and Children: Chew or dissolve one tablet in the mouth twice daily or as recommended.
- Infants: Once tablet (crushed) daily.
- Acute conditions: Every half hour until symptoms subside.